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cleverDome and TD Ameritrade Institutional Team Up to Increase Cybersecurity for RIAs

Cybersecurity not surprisingly is top of mind for advisors. In the latest TD Ameritrade Institutional RIA Sentiment Survey, data security was the top technology spending priority among advisors and expected to be a top issue among regulators in 2019. Now,
registered investment advisors using certain software solutions can sign up to come “Under the Dome” thanks to a new integration with the TD Ameritrade Institutional Veo One® platform.

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Geneos Joins Cybersecurity Co-op

With cybersecurity experts headlining wealth management industry events, financial services firms are taking extra steps to make sure their customers’ data and assets are secure. Geneos Wealth Management said they’ve joined the ranks of cybersecurity co-op cleverDome, Inc., which will provide the broker/dealer with a “community-based solution” to data protection.

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Gěneos Wealth Management, Inc. Joins cleverDome, Inc.

Gěneos Wealth Management, Inc. today announced that it has become a member of cleverDome, Inc.,TM a B-Corporation that provides a community-driven solution to protect confidential consumer information by taking that information “under the Dome”TM (i.e., secure and off the open Internet).

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cleverDome’s Aaron Spradlin Discusses Cybersecurity Trends with InvestmentNews at TD Ameritrade Institutional’s National LINC 2018

Cybersecurity is more complex than just hacking and phishing. While at the TD National LINC event in February 2018, Matt Ackermann of InvestmentNews and Aaron Spradlin of cleverDome discussed the dangers of the cloud and how advisors and financial firms can mitigate issues.

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cleverDome has joined the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA)

The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, the City of London Police, and the Center for Internet Security founded GCA as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in September 2015. It is a catalyst to bring communities of interest and affiliations together in an environment that sparks innovation with concrete, measurable achievements. By joining GCA, cleverDome further demonstrates it’s commitment to protecting confidential consumer information through safe, reliable and fast Internet connections.

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Cybersecurity – The #1 Thing Advisors Need to Focus On Now

Cybersecurity is the #1 thing advisors and financial firms should be focusing on now. At the T3 Advisor Conference, cleverDome member Brian Edelman, CEO of FCI_Cyber, gave 2 presentations on cyber safety. Watch this video to learn more T3TechHub #T32018 FinTechie

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7 Game-Changers from the T3 Advisor Conference

Industry focus. Relentless focus on gathering knowledge. A burning desire to stay up-to-date on the latest technology trends in wealth management.

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FCI, Inc. and cleverDome, Inc. Join Forces to Thwart Cyber Threats

FCI, Inc. and cleverDome, Inc. Join Forces to Thwart Cyber Threats

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Financial Advisors: Major Flaws in Computer Chips Should Really Worry You

New threats in the financial industry: сybersecurity will remain perhaps the single most important technology issue for financial services in 2018. If an advisory firm was under the Dome, the firm’s data would remain secure.

Is CleverDome the Holy Grail of Cybersecurity?

The “holy grail” of financial cyber-security: a regulatory-compliant, end-to-end solution where all data is encrypted before being sent over the Internet

Learn more on Wealth Management Today

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